True: i love my boo

I Love My Boo (ILMB) is a multifaceted social marketing campaign that thoughtfully increases the visibility of Black and Latino gay men. By contextualizing gay relationships, this campaign educates the community at-large, and promotes acceptance and understanding in a climate where gay men of color are seldom represented favorably in the media. GMHC’s ILMB also speaks to, and boldly celebrates, gay men of color by highlighting their strengths and resiliencies.

Rather than sexualizing gay relationships, with chiseled bodies and glossy imagery, the beauty of this campaign is that it features intimacy and focuses on what is possible for gay men of color as they boldly and unapologetically express trust, respect and commitment for one another.

ILMB solidifies GMHC’s expertise and ongoing commitment in addressing homophobia and reducing the spread of HIV with its precise focus on populations most susceptible to the disease. Featured throughout New York City, ILMB directly challenges homophobia and encourages all who come across it to critically re-think notions of love.

How can you contribute to the success of the campaign?

You can visit our I Love My Boo Facebook page. While you’re there you can “LIKE” us too.
You can post a picture of YOU and YOUR BOO on our I Love My Boo Facebook page.
You can forward this campaign page to your friends and family.
You can check out the GMHC-Merck brochure, You Are Not Alone!, which supports the I Love My Boo campaign and it’s visibility in the community. You can view the brochure by clicking here.


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Chris Caldwell

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